Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Quintessential Alcoholic...

Can you believe some people...?

After Louisiana residents lose their homes, family members, ability to work, and general ability to live, this guy decides to loot their beer also.

It looks like the bucketful wasn’t enough…, he has room for one more in the back pocket.

What a loser! (I've removed this last remark because I believe it was too harsh)

Friday, August 26, 2005

Manufactured Reality…Political Nonsense!

Thanks to my friend Rob for this one,

Do you still believe there is no link between Al-Qaeda and Iraq? Just keep saying it and maybe it will be true.

Meanwhile listen to this ABC news report from 1999. That’s right, before 9/11, before the 2000 elections, and before Mini-Bush, however, after the 1993 WTC bombing and the Gulf War.

Click on the Post Title for audio-Link

Now we know why Abu Musab al-Zarqawi fled to Iraq after we took Afghanistan. It seems he called Iraq home for four years (1998-2002) while training terrorists.

Iraq harbored Al-Qaeda terrorists. Argue all you want about the best course of action and how to defeat hate-filled jihadists, but rewriting history to win over support is disgraceful.

Every time you hear someone in the media say there was no Iraq/Al-Qaeda link or that Bush drew the terrorists into Iraq, please consider the facts and don’t believe the hype.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

CNN + FOX = Sci-Fi Channel???

I hate that I can't trust anybody anymore. I feel like I have to read five news publications, watch three news stations, and hear four public officials speak before I can form an opinion on the truth of any issue. After figuring the mean, median, and mode of all this information, I then move my stance one standard deviation to the right and I've arrived at MY opinion.

Should I really have to come up with an algorithm to wade through all the garbage out there?

I hate math.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat Robertson is a Terrorist...?

Pat Robertson is a Terrorist…?

Pat Robertson made some ridiculous statements yesterday that have incited Venezuelan leaders to rant about the US and religious extremism.

Pat Robertson comments on Monday about Hugo Chavez,

“We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability, we don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with."

Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel had this to say about the US and Robertson comments,

“It's huge hypocrisy to maintain this discourse against terrorism and at the same time, in the heart of that country, there are entirely terrorist statements like those.”

Friday, August 12, 2005

"TV" - Weapon of Mass Destruction!

SEATTLE, Washington (Reuters) -- A 15-year-old Washington state boy suffered serious burns when he set himself on fire trying to re-enact a stunt similar to those from MTV's controversial show "Jackass”. "Jackass" star Johnny Knoxville donned a fireproof suit covered in steaks and was set on fire to become a human barbecue.

The boy soaked his shirt in rubbing alcohol and ignited it while his friends stood by with a video camera shooting footage they planned to sell.

The boy made a brief public statement, “Fire is really not that bad for you. Ask Knoxville, he knows how powerless fire is…have you seen his latest documentary? It really makes you question this gravity rubbish. I think the Surgeon General is a liar. That guy has been misleading us all! Just ask Johnny, or better yet, take the time to view one of his investigative reports.”

The movie includes the following disclaimer: "The stunts in this movie were performed by professionals, so, neither you nor your dumb buddies should attempt anything from this movie."

Thursday, August 11, 2005

"A Tale of Two Cities"

Katherine Harris http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,165301,00.html
Jeanine Pirro http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,165130,00.html

These two republican women are running for Senate seats in the next election (Florida & New York). In my opinion, one of these women is a stand up professional and the other is a ridiculous pageant dropout. One is a credit to her gender and the other a joke.

You make the call...(video interviews available on links above)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Is Nature Selecting Against Intelligence?

The Male Condition, NY Times Aug 8, 2005
By: Simon Baron Cohen,
Director of the autism research center at Cambridge University

“One needs to be extremely careful in advancing a cause for autism, because this field is rife with theories that have collapsed under empirical scrutiny. Nonetheless, my hypothesis is that autism is the genetic result of "assortative mating" between parents who are both strong systemizers. Assortative mating is the term we use when like is attracted to like, and there are four significant reasons to believe it is happening here.

FIRST, both mothers and fathers of children with autism complete the embedded figures test faster than men and women in the general population.

Second, both mothers and fathers of children with autism are more likely to have fathers who are talented systemizers (engineers, for example).

Third, when we look at brain activity with magnetic resonance imaging, males and females on average show different patterns while performing empathizing or systemizing tasks. But both mothers and fathers of children with autism show strong male patterns of brain activity.

Fourth, both mothers and fathers of children with autism score above average on a questionnaire that measures how many autistic traits an individual has. These results suggest a genetic cause of autism, with both parents contributing genes that ultimately relate to a similar kind of mind: one with an affinity for thinking systematically.”

Sooo… if you're smart and want to avoid having an autistic child (and a brief family lineage), you should look for a mate who is an undisciplined, lazy, ignorant, dropout?

Smart + Smart = Autistic? What happened to Darwinian Evolution? Aren’t the chosen few genes supposed to prevail? I have been told that autistic children are, in fact, smart. OK, but they are obviously hindered in their capacity to survive and procreate. The mechanism of “natural selection” and “survival of the fittest”, in this case, result in intelligent genes being weeded out of society. Is nature selecting against intelligence?

And millions of stupid people around the world rejoice!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Fidel Castro Stands By Rafael Palmeiro…

Fidel Castro Stands By Rafael Palmeiro…

“We encourage all of our players to enhance their performance. What’s that…what do you mean Palmeiro’s not Cuban? We still endorse him and love him as our own, he’s earned himself a special place in our hearts. Did you see the way he thumbed his nose at the congress, stick it to the man, Palmeiro.”

Castro added,

“I never aimed nukes at the US…Never! You must have been given faulty intelligence, there was never a reason to escalate the cold war, I don’t care how many resolutions the UN passed.”