Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Is Nature Selecting Against Intelligence?

The Male Condition, NY Times Aug 8, 2005
By: Simon Baron Cohen,
Director of the autism research center at Cambridge University

“One needs to be extremely careful in advancing a cause for autism, because this field is rife with theories that have collapsed under empirical scrutiny. Nonetheless, my hypothesis is that autism is the genetic result of "assortative mating" between parents who are both strong systemizers. Assortative mating is the term we use when like is attracted to like, and there are four significant reasons to believe it is happening here.

FIRST, both mothers and fathers of children with autism complete the embedded figures test faster than men and women in the general population.

Second, both mothers and fathers of children with autism are more likely to have fathers who are talented systemizers (engineers, for example).

Third, when we look at brain activity with magnetic resonance imaging, males and females on average show different patterns while performing empathizing or systemizing tasks. But both mothers and fathers of children with autism show strong male patterns of brain activity.

Fourth, both mothers and fathers of children with autism score above average on a questionnaire that measures how many autistic traits an individual has. These results suggest a genetic cause of autism, with both parents contributing genes that ultimately relate to a similar kind of mind: one with an affinity for thinking systematically.”

Sooo… if you're smart and want to avoid having an autistic child (and a brief family lineage), you should look for a mate who is an undisciplined, lazy, ignorant, dropout?

Smart + Smart = Autistic? What happened to Darwinian Evolution? Aren’t the chosen few genes supposed to prevail? I have been told that autistic children are, in fact, smart. OK, but they are obviously hindered in their capacity to survive and procreate. The mechanism of “natural selection” and “survival of the fittest”, in this case, result in intelligent genes being weeded out of society. Is nature selecting against intelligence?

And millions of stupid people around the world rejoice!


At Thursday, August 11, 2005 2:43:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes and No, I think that our society is making us incapable of being able to select appropriate mates. In other circumstances I would wonder if these people would meet and mate at all.

Our sense of smell, which has scientifically been shown to be able to detect illness, detect offspring, and detect simularities in genes is being covered by soaps, deodorants and perfumes. Animals in the wild use this technique to determine if a potential mate is too much alike themselves genetically. Have you ever been in the room of someone who is dying? There is a distinct odor given off, its unique to that person, but it isnt a pleasant smell.

Ever wonder why you just have that certain "chemistry" with someone and are completely turned off by someone else. But it isnt somthing that you can put a finger on?

Also, our ability to select mates based on physical appearance - which is also a measuring stick of genetic fitness is being hindered by dentists and plastic surgeons.

The whole point of natural selection, is to encourage diversity of genetic material. So, in a sense, yes, you are right. Genetic diversity is the only way that a species can survive. If an illness came and killed everyone with Type A & B blood, then at least there would be people left to carry on the race. If everyone was the same, then we'd all die of the flu.


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