Friday, July 01, 2005

Activist Judges...Activist Citizens

Weare NH, 2005

The people of Weare NH are taking on the supreme court. Why Weare? Because it happens to be the residence of Supreme Court Justice David Souter (the author of the recent eminent domain decsion). This is the focus of their action:

"To see if the voters of Weare will vote to take by eminent domain a certain parcel of land consisting of 8.08 acres located on Cilley Rd, Map 406 parcel #21, also known as the Souter Property, for the creation of a public park dedicated to honor the New Hampshire and US Constitutions or take any action related there to."

Now Weare voters have a chance, a historic chance, to make a statement about the state of our nation and individual rights with a simple vote at their town hall. This tradition has been going on in Weare for over two hundred years and is still in good hands - unlike our US Supreme Court.

Ed Naile,
ChairCoalition of NH Taxpayers

They only need 25 signatures. Maybe this will bring these justices back into the real world.

I’m thinking of moving to Weare.


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