Friday, June 03, 2005

My Letter To The Governor...

Dear Governor,

Please join me and the majority of California citizens in opposing special driving privileges for criminals. Thousands of hard working immigrants are waiting in line to attain legal citizenship (and the privileges therein) through proper means. Please do not support the undermining of this process by allowing those who come illegally to cut in line.

As a side note, please recognize the contention that this law serves safety purposes as a farce. If the authors were concerned with highway safety they would have required proof of car insurance prior to any driver's license being issued to an illegal (undocumented) immigrant. This is only an attempt to legitimize criminal activity that the majority of Americans have upheld as "criminal" since the birth of this nation. As a nation of immigrants, we must protect American culture that has accepted so many, and did so with dignity rather than with disregard and disrespect.

Exercise your veto and support "legal" immigration,



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