Tuesday, April 26, 2005


(above title has link to story)

The Minutemen are going north!

To compliment the amazing effect they have had along the Arizona border, Chris Somcox and the Minuteman project announced today that in addition to protesting businesses who hire illegal immigrants, they now plan to stage a Canadian border project.

For weeks, people have been complaining that these people were racist bigots who hate Mexicans. How many Mexicans are pouring in through the Canadian border?

Now what mischaracterizations do they have to sling at these great Americans?

It's not about race, it's about security.


At Wednesday, April 27, 2005 3:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ovecoming the resistance of my far left President and his supporters at the ACLU (vigilantes) the Minutemen were very successful.

On Larry Elder’s show Wednesday night Larry said that the minutemen had reduced criminal immigration by 75%!. Or the rate of criminals crossing the border was only 25% of what it had been before the Minuteman Project! Sounds very positive!

We can win the American part of the War on Terror. It would be easy if a liberal were not in the White House

Rod Stanton

At Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:38:00 AM, Blogger Russ said...

Rod highlights the most interesting part of this whole story. Although the 911 attackers came to the US and planned their killing on President Clinton's watch, they perpetrated their deeds during Bush's first term. What more does one need to crack down on illegal immigration? Bush of all people should be rallying the will of the majority and spending the political currency he gained in his second election.

“Politically Correct” can be dead wrong.


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