Friday, June 24, 2005

Ted Kennedy…Pass the Cool-Aid

Did you see Ted Kennedy blast Rumsfeld and the Joint Chiefs of Staff yesterday? Kennedy went on a 10-minute rant calling for Rumsfeld’s resignation. Kennedy pulled out every accusation, complaint, and prejudice presented by Moore, Kerry, and Al Jazeera over the last four years (I think he also referenced “Revenge of the Sith”). The Joint Chiefs calmly gave facts, figures, and evidence to the contrary. Kennedy then asked Rumsfeld how many strikes he would receive before he would submit his resignation. Rumsfeld remained composed and stated that he had submitted his resignation twice to president Bush but they were not accepted.

I am not interested in defending Bush, Rumsfeld, or the war in Iraq. I just have one request for Ted Kennedy. Come prepared next time. Do your research, bring evidence and proof rather than propaganda and rumor. How do you show up to a senate hearing with the equivalent of TheRantSheet and present it as evidence? Then, based on that “evidence”, you call for a resignation that has already been given twice.

I expect more from a US Senator (my expectations are lowered everyday). Has Ted Kennedy ever submitted his resignation? Maybe it’s time.


At Friday, June 24, 2005 6:24:00 PM, Blogger 10 Feet Down The Hall said...

I think it is hilarious that when, a few days ago, a republican called what the democrats did in reponse to terror weak, there was outrage from the left. How dare anyone question their record? But Kennedy calling for a resignation is somehow a mandate and should be followed at once!!!!



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