Friday, July 22, 2005

Democracy = Minority Rules???

Democracy, once known for its “majority rules” credo, is now under fire as mass media runs to give every wacko a voice. Our democracy, which traditionally favors the majority, has been taken hostage by special interests (left and right). They get all the press coverage (therefore having the loudest voice) and in most cases are the only groups allowed a national voice. The only legitimate voice the majority retains is at the ballot box.

Why do those in the majority have to wait every four years to speak, all the while putting up with activist journalism, political correctness, and biased education? (Thank God for Blogs and thank God for the right to vote)

Consider the Muslim community in these present circumstances. They are being held hostage by a small minority with a loud voice. Without an elected body, their only option is to somehow gain a louder voice, but how do you speak louder than a suicide bomb?

The defense of “majority rules” and of democracy is increasingly important now more than ever. The world needs more ballot boxes…God bless Iraqi democracy and the spread of freedom.


At Tuesday, August 09, 2005 11:34:00 AM, Blogger Russ said...

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