Friday, June 24, 2005

Ted Kennedy…Pass the Cool-Aid

Did you see Ted Kennedy blast Rumsfeld and the Joint Chiefs of Staff yesterday? Kennedy went on a 10-minute rant calling for Rumsfeld’s resignation. Kennedy pulled out every accusation, complaint, and prejudice presented by Moore, Kerry, and Al Jazeera over the last four years (I think he also referenced “Revenge of the Sith”). The Joint Chiefs calmly gave facts, figures, and evidence to the contrary. Kennedy then asked Rumsfeld how many strikes he would receive before he would submit his resignation. Rumsfeld remained composed and stated that he had submitted his resignation twice to president Bush but they were not accepted.

I am not interested in defending Bush, Rumsfeld, or the war in Iraq. I just have one request for Ted Kennedy. Come prepared next time. Do your research, bring evidence and proof rather than propaganda and rumor. How do you show up to a senate hearing with the equivalent of TheRantSheet and present it as evidence? Then, based on that “evidence”, you call for a resignation that has already been given twice.

I expect more from a US Senator (my expectations are lowered everyday). Has Ted Kennedy ever submitted his resignation? Maybe it’s time.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Embryonic Mythology...

Although the topic of embryonic stem cell research has been brewing for a while, to my shame, I have remained relatively ignorant on the topic. I have done some research and now I have an opinion.

I cannot support “embryonic” stem cell research. The basis for this declaration is that human life should not be created to be destroyed and harvested. I state this knowing that many will argue about when life begins and at what point are we killing someone. However, the fact remains that these embryos are growing humans.

That is the moral argument supported by scientific fact. This does not seem to be enough in our cultures’ court of public opinion, so I will frame my stance in “rational” terms:

I highly support stem cell research and its use in curing illness. “Embryonic” stem cell research is my only exception. Stem cells can be collected from the eyes, blood, spinal cord, bone marrow, brain, skin, umbilical cord, muscles, and embryos. All of which have been tested and used to cure illnesses, except one. Embryonic stem cells have been tested extensively and have never cured anyone. I am glad, because it happens to be the only method that is morally objectionable.

So why are so many asking that we pour time and money into the only failed method? Why are so many asking that we pour time and money into the only morally objectionable method? The “forbidden fruit” syndrome strikes again. We just can't get enough of the unethical.

The question remains, not what can be done, but what should be done?

This article details some of the media myths involving stem cell research.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Senate Politics: Unacceptable Relativism

My letter to New York Senator Chuck Schumer after a disgraceful senate hearing:

Senator Schumer,

This morning’s speech on the senate floor sounded familiar. In fact, your rhetoric sounded identical to that given in opposition to Owens’ nomination in your press release on May 9. You stated that Priscilla Owen was the definition of a judicial activist. However, now you claim Janice Brown is the epitome of an activist judge. It is apparent to me that in your view, any conservative judge would fall under this definition. This morning’s appeal was generic and disingenuous.

Secondly, I would like to comment on traditional republican opposition to activist judges verses their “seemingly” overwhelming support in present circumstances. The disgusting aspect of all this is that democrats have done the inverse. Democrats have heralded activist judges as “freedom fighters” and a “representation of balanced government” for years. Now that republicans are trying to challenge liberal control of the judiciary, democrats feel judicial activism is somehow less glorious.

If this two-faced partisan rhetoric is indicative of “100 years of legal tradition and clear legislative intent” then I believe political reformation is past due. Will you lead the way?

Friday, June 03, 2005

My Letter To The Governor...

Dear Governor,

Please join me and the majority of California citizens in opposing special driving privileges for criminals. Thousands of hard working immigrants are waiting in line to attain legal citizenship (and the privileges therein) through proper means. Please do not support the undermining of this process by allowing those who come illegally to cut in line.

As a side note, please recognize the contention that this law serves safety purposes as a farce. If the authors were concerned with highway safety they would have required proof of car insurance prior to any driver's license being issued to an illegal (undocumented) immigrant. This is only an attempt to legitimize criminal activity that the majority of Americans have upheld as "criminal" since the birth of this nation. As a nation of immigrants, we must protect American culture that has accepted so many, and did so with dignity rather than with disregard and disrespect.

Exercise your veto and support "legal" immigration,
