Monday, July 25, 2005

AFL-CIO: State of the Union...Not Good!

The AP is reporting that the AFL-CIO will lose the Teamsters and the SEIU because of the fifty-year decline in membership and power.

The great "communist experiment" in America is crumbling. Without competition, the giant unions have encountered rampant corruption, scandal, and are now having to face the music on their inability to effectively bargain for their employees. Is anyone surprised?

Friday, July 22, 2005

Democracy = Minority Rules???

Democracy, once known for its “majority rules” credo, is now under fire as mass media runs to give every wacko a voice. Our democracy, which traditionally favors the majority, has been taken hostage by special interests (left and right). They get all the press coverage (therefore having the loudest voice) and in most cases are the only groups allowed a national voice. The only legitimate voice the majority retains is at the ballot box.

Why do those in the majority have to wait every four years to speak, all the while putting up with activist journalism, political correctness, and biased education? (Thank God for Blogs and thank God for the right to vote)

Consider the Muslim community in these present circumstances. They are being held hostage by a small minority with a loud voice. Without an elected body, their only option is to somehow gain a louder voice, but how do you speak louder than a suicide bomb?

The defense of “majority rules” and of democracy is increasingly important now more than ever. The world needs more ballot boxes…God bless Iraqi democracy and the spread of freedom.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I go on vacation for a week and TheRantSheet loses all rationality! We’re apologizing for sarcasm, believing the hype, and retracting cat stories? Wha...Happen?

1. Sarcasm is at the top of the communication food chain. Let it reign supreme.

2. I love hype, but don’t believe this hype. Commenting on an “employee” of the CIA (legal) is far different than revealing an “undercover” CIA “operative” (illegal). Does anyone care who cleans the floor at the KGB?

3. It’s true, cat reporting has regressed into ruthless mud-slinging recently (this is meant to be sarcastic), but why retract the story? Here is a news flash; every story has a slant. Readers beware: to get the entire picture on any story you must diversify your news sources.

Ridiculous ranting is what this site is all about. What’s a rant without sarcasm, slant, and hype? Long live pure unadulterated ranting!


It’s good to be back.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Paris and Baseball...Olympic Rejects

After rejecting the city of Paris earlier this week, the Olympic committee decided yesterday that Baseball and Softball will not be included in the 2012 summer program. The IOC stated that Olympic Baseball does not draw top athletes and is therefore, unappealing.

Meanwhile handball, shooting, and archery are retained as Olympic events and are expected to have widespread appeal and become all the craze.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Activist Judges...Activist Citizens

Weare NH, 2005

The people of Weare NH are taking on the supreme court. Why Weare? Because it happens to be the residence of Supreme Court Justice David Souter (the author of the recent eminent domain decsion). This is the focus of their action:

"To see if the voters of Weare will vote to take by eminent domain a certain parcel of land consisting of 8.08 acres located on Cilley Rd, Map 406 parcel #21, also known as the Souter Property, for the creation of a public park dedicated to honor the New Hampshire and US Constitutions or take any action related there to."

Now Weare voters have a chance, a historic chance, to make a statement about the state of our nation and individual rights with a simple vote at their town hall. This tradition has been going on in Weare for over two hundred years and is still in good hands - unlike our US Supreme Court.

Ed Naile,
ChairCoalition of NH Taxpayers

They only need 25 signatures. Maybe this will bring these justices back into the real world.

I’m thinking of moving to Weare.

The Missing Ingredient...Knowledge

Why do we elect idiots to be public officials? In an interview this week, Nancy Pelosi was asked about the latest Supreme Court decision on Eminent Domain. Here is an excerpt:

Q Later this morning, many Members of the House Republican leadership, along with John Cornyn from the Senate, are holding a news conference on eminent domain, the decision of the Supreme Court the other day, and they are going to offer legislation that would restrict it, prohibiting federal funds from being used in such a manner.

Two questions: What was your reaction to the Supreme Court decision on this topic, and what do you think about legislation to, in the minds of opponents at least, remedy or changing it?

Ms. Pelosi. As a Member of Congress, and actually all of us and anyone who holds a public office in our country, we take an oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Very central to that in that Constitution is the separation of powers. I believe that whatever you think about a particular decision of the Supreme Court, and I certainly have been in disagreement with them on many occasions, it is not appropriate for the Congress to say we're going to withhold funds for the Court because we don't like a decision.

Q Not on the Court, withhold funds from the eminent domain purchases that wouldn't involve public use. I apologize if I framed the question poorly. It wouldn't be withholding federal funds from the Court, but withhold Federal funds from eminent domain type purchases that are not just involved in public good.

Ms. Pelosi. Again, without focusing on the actual decision, just to say that when you withhold funds from enforcing a decision of the Supreme Court you are, in fact, nullifying a decision of the Supreme Court. This is in violation of the respect for separation of church -- powers in our Constitution, church and state as well. Sometimes the Republicans have a problem with that as well. But forgive my digression.

So the answer to your question is, I would oppose any legislation that says we would withhold funds for the enforcement of any decision of the Supreme Court no matter how opposed I am to that decision. And I'm not saying that I'm opposed to this decision, I'm just saying in general.

Q Could you talk about this decision? What you think of it?

Ms. Pelosi. It is a decision of the Supreme Court. If Congress wants to change it, it will require legislation of a level of a constitutional amendment. So this is almost as if God has spoken. It's an elementary discussion now. They have made the decision.

Q Do you think it is appropriate for municipalities to be able to use eminent domain to take land for economic development?

Ms. Pelosi. The Supreme Court has decided, knowing the particulars of this case, that that was appropriate, and so I would support that.

Pelosi clearly misunderstands the court decision and what congress is planning to do to combat this horrible ruling. First, she thinks this decision is related to church and state. It’s not. Then, she thinks congress is trying to withhold money from the courts. They’re not. After being corrected by the interviewer, she then thinks congress is trying to withhold “court enforcement money”. No, sorry Nancy, that is not correct.

The truth is that congress is trying to pass a law that withholds funding from any municipality that votes to seize private property. Something the House Minority Leader should know.

I need to hear from you readers. Am I asking too much by demanding our public officials know the facts?