Tuesday, April 26, 2005


(above title has link to story)

The Minutemen are going north!

To compliment the amazing effect they have had along the Arizona border, Chris Somcox and the Minuteman project announced today that in addition to protesting businesses who hire illegal immigrants, they now plan to stage a Canadian border project.

For weeks, people have been complaining that these people were racist bigots who hate Mexicans. How many Mexicans are pouring in through the Canadian border?

Now what mischaracterizations do they have to sling at these great Americans?

It's not about race, it's about security.

Labor Unions...Come On, This Is The 21st Century...

Can anyone tell me why we have labor unions in the Twenty-first century? 100 years ago, the case for a union was strong. We had 10-year-old kids working 14 hours a day in sweatshops fearing that heavy machinery would sever their limbs. They had unregulated employment standards and little to no safety standards. Thank God for the advent of worker’s unions.

100 years later Federal law pertaining to employment principles is enormous. There have been no major legal advancements regarding workers rights for at least 20 years. Why, because civil rights of American workers are protected under law, the unions have done their job. So what are unions up to these days?

Preserving there own existence by ANY means.

I am sick of the thug tactics used to rally union policy on employment perks. Unions picket, vandalize, intimidate, and bully for what is essentially the right to have a company picnic twice a year. Where is the 10-year-old kid missing an arm? Where is the worker abuse? If this happened today I would be the first person to join the picket line and yes, I would be a little unruly, but what is the point of a union once these atrocities have been stopped?

Personally, I can’t do my job when dealing with unionized businesses. I tried to get my contact information changed at a large unionized business and it took three people. One worker was only allowed to access my info but not change it. The next worker could only change my billing info but not payment info. How ridiculous is this? These poor workers must feel like idiots, how degrading it must be to have your hands tied when you know you are fully capable to complete a simple task. If they don't fall in line with union policy, they are treated with brute tactics and intimidation. They actually pay dues to be treated this way.

Union executives say they represent the people when all they represent is themselves. They are an ugly shadow of what was a great American institution.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I Hate The L.A. Times..

I can't stand biased journalism.

That's all, end of rant.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Life Is Rough Being Short, Fat, & Ugly...

Are you short, fat, and ugly? Chances are you’re also poor.

The Fed (Federal Reserve Bank) put out a study on the effect of good looks on worker wages. Here are some of the results:

They “found that the “plainness penalty” is 9 percent [loss in income] and that the “beauty premium” is 5 percent [gain in income].”

“A study by economists Markus Mobius and Tanya Rosenblat estimates that confidence accounts for approximately 20 percent of the beauty premium.”

They showed that “women who were obese according to their Body Mass Index (BMI) earned 17 percent lower wages on average than women within their recommended BMI range.”

They found that “for white men in the United States, a 1.8-percent increase in wages accompanies every additional inch of height.”

Kristie M. Engemann is a senior research associate and Michael T. Owyang is a senior economist, both at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Don’t get depressed, at least you’re not short, fat, ugly, old, and handicap. Then you’d be really poor.

This is depressing

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Someone had to say it...


...Take that!

French People...They gripe about everything.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Starducks Vs. Coffee Lean & Tea Beaf

First, The Gripe;

Why do these places close at 10pm (especially in a college town)? If there was ever a business that could turn a profit at 2am it's the coffee business. I'm the guy who stumbles up to the doors looking like a crack addict five minutes after close. I try to open the locked doors at least three times before reluctantly hitting the nearest Seven Eleven for some of their famous dirt water.

Now, The Question;

During regular business hours, which coffee company do you prefer?

I prefer Starbucks for one reason, the White Chocolate Mocha (double shot). mmmm...aahhh...

Monday, April 04, 2005

ACLU Defends Child Rape

The ACLU is defending a case before the Supreme Court supporting the rights of pedophiles to post instructions on how to coerce and rape children. The ACLU says that there is a difference between those who rape children and those who encourage it;

"Those who do wrong are responsible for what they do; those who speak about it are not."

I can't yell "fire" in a crowded building but these perverts can conspire to rape? Yelling "fire" causes people to run from a building, rape destroys people's lives.

Can the ACLU be taken seriously anymore? In my view, they have run out of credibility (along with logic, reason, and common sense). If they win this battle, I have no problem holding the ACLU responsible for future crimes. They need to get A CLUe.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

BIg Wirdz

Big wird big wirds, make dollars or make sense. thank you

Friday, April 01, 2005

"Web Log" vs "Blog"

Is "Web Log" really in need of abbreviation? Are people really having trouble with this phrase?

For those "Bloggers" out there;

's "blog" rlly n nd o' abb? R pple rlly hvn trble w/phrase?