Thursday, March 09, 2006

Charles, You Let Me Down...

After months of excellent reporting on the innermost details of celebrity lifestyles, let me down.

I’ve spent the last three days in anxious agony. The Oscars, with all the glory and glamour, have come and gone and yet Charles remains silent? What is "Three 6 Mafia" saying about Reese? Where did Jon Stewart purchase his Oscar shoes? What’s holding Dolly Parton together? Even more importantly, how does all this get nuanced into the U.A.E. ports deal and a nuclear Iran?

I would have thought we would get all these juicy details and a full explanation of why a man like Truman Capote is movie worthy. But silence? This, I cannot handle. Charles…please post an opinion, post some insider info, or at least IM me! I need the 411!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Protest This...You RantSheet Extremists!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

“Second-Guessing is Not a Strategy”

“Second-Guessing is Not a Strategy” – President Bush, The State of The Union 2006

I beg to differ Mr. President. Second-guessing has been a strategy for the far left for 5 years now. Let us review items second-guessed by extreme liberals;

2000 Election Results
2001 Tax Cuts
2001 Preparedness for 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
2001 Authorization of the Use of Force
2001 Patriot Act
2002 No Child Left Behind Act
2002 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban
2003 Rationale for War
2003 Liberation of Iraq
2004 Nomination of John Bolton
2005 Nomination of John Roberts
2005 Hurricane Katrina response
2005 NSA International Wire-tapping Program,
2006 Nomination of Samuel Alito

So in essence, the liberal fringe has second-guessed:

The will of the people
Free enterprise
President Bush’s motivation
Their own decisions and motivation
Our right to protect the homeland
Our commitment to future generations
A child’s right to avoid being murdered
The international intelligence community
A Free Iraq
President Bush’s judgment
Constitutional separation of powers
Mother Nature (via Karl Rove)
Constitutionally secured presidential power
The legal system in its entirety

Nobody likes a Monday morning quarterback…If “There’s a Better Way”, I wish they would put forth a plan and let the public decide based on merit.

Second-guessing is a strategy…it’s just a horrible one.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

McCain-Lieberman 2008

That’s right, after years of bitter partisan squabbling it looks like a beacon of reason is appearing…A third party presidency.

As the public grows weary from one shrill political attack after another and increasingly irritated by scandal and corruption, a political revolution has begun. The days of broken campaign promises and valueless turncoats may yet see an end.

OK, I admit this outlook is optimistic and a little naïve. But like many, I too have had it with the polarization of our country. Political affiliation has slowly turned into strict allegiance, and these war parties are engaged in civil war.

The thought of a McCain/Lieberman ticket as a reform candidacy is a refreshing notion. It may or may not merit my vote, but it truly is a beacon of sanity in the sea of partisan hell we call, Capital Hill.

Source Article:

Thursday, December 15, 2005

12-15-2005 Happy Re-Birthday Iraq!

Becoming a Land of The Free Is The Hope of The Brave.

Monday, November 28, 2005

A Lesson From Jay Feely...

A lesson from Jay Feely…

Jay Feely missed three potentially game-winning field goals on Sunday. Despite this disgraceful debacle, his post game performance was refreshingly mature.

Before coach Coughlin could address the team, Feely stood and said,

“I'm sorry I let you down. People are going to say it's a team game and they're going to say the right things. But the fact of the matter is that you've got to come through when you have one opportunity -- much less two good opportunities."

He may not have a job for long, but he’ll have his integrity. Let this be a lesson for everybody. When you blow it, have the integrity to take responsibility. It’s ok. It won’t kill you to be humble. Truth is, it will most likely help you.

I may not want Jay Feely as a kicker on my fantasy football team, but I wouldn’t mind having someone like him as an employee, a business partner, or a friend. We all need this kind of integrity in our lives, and at one point or another we’ve all needed to be this humble.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Liberal Morality Based On Liberal Logic...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

US Senators Pull Political Stunt!

Democratic Senators brought the senate session to a halt yesterday as they unrolled a political stunt of unbelievable proportions. Senator Harry Reid called for a “secret” session to “unveil” the truth about Iraq war rationale. Reid called for the investigation about faulty intelligence to be moved along into Phase Two. What confused committee Chairman Pat Roberts most was that Phase Two has been underway for weeks. It is scheduled be rapped up early next week.

Phase One of this investigation ended with all 17 committee members in unanimous agreement that the intelligence leading to the war in Iraq was in fact not “cooked”. Phase Two is to deal with over 300 statements made by public officials to see if there were any misrepresentations made to mislead the American public.

To avoid partisan politics, Chairman Pat Roberts intends to rate these statements without identification of who made them. Democrats blocked this move, pushing to focus solely on President Bush and his administration, neglecting to investigate the dozens of Democrats who also made public statements and decisions based on the same prewar intelligence.

This protest to get the committee to start something that had been underway for weeks was an unprecedented political stunt. It grabbed headlines and the Senate minority obtained the media spotlight they wanted, but what the American public witnessed was an adolescent tantrum perpetrated by men and women who sounded more like brooding little boys and girls.

Here are some of those who made public prewar statements affirming the existance of WMD...

Friday, September 02, 2005

The Shameless Liberal Attack Machine...

If half the accusations thrown at Bush in his term as president were true, he would have to be...

Satan himself…

...These are funny.

This is not...

The shameless liberal attack machine continues to spew venom even in the wake of a natural disaster…

From: Part Time Pundit, by John C. A. Bambenek

In this time of national crisis, it is once again shown that there are those who instead of uniting to help, are using the event to push their ideologies and their hate. I present this unfiltered defecation on the United States from the Left.

"And nothing about the president's demeanor yesterday - which seemed casual to the point of carelessness - suggested that he understood the depth of the current crisis." New York Times Lead Editorial – 9/1/01

If Bush did not understand the depth of the crisis, why did he declare a “State of Emergency” for Louisiana two days prior to the hurricane (unprecedented preemption)?

"Now we are all learning what it’s like to reap the whirlwind of fossil fuel dependence which Barbour and his cronies have encouraged. Our destructive addiction has given us a catastrophic war in the Middle East and--now--Katrina is giving our nation a glimpse of the climate chaos we are bequeathing our children." Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Bush made the hurricanes! We'll skip past Prof. Gray and Prof. Emanuel who are experts in the field who say this is crap.)

"The president's 35-minute Air Force One flyover of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama was the perfect metaphor for his entire presidency: detached, disconnected, and disengaged. Preferring to take in America's suffering -- whether caused by the war in Iraq or Hurricane Katrina -- from a distance. In this case, 2,500 feet." Arianna Huffington (As opposed to Arianna watching the destruction from a distance of 2500 miles).

Keep it up liberals. Politicize a natural disaster and blame everything on Bush. Use it as political capital, turning the pain and suffering of thousands of Americans into campaign slogans.


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Quintessential Alcoholic...

Can you believe some people...?

After Louisiana residents lose their homes, family members, ability to work, and general ability to live, this guy decides to loot their beer also.

It looks like the bucketful wasn’t enough…, he has room for one more in the back pocket.

What a loser! (I've removed this last remark because I believe it was too harsh)